VXLAN - GNS3 (VEOS \ IOU_L3) Images: Spine - IOU - i86bi_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.152-4.M1" Leaf - vEOS - 4.13.16M-3213248.41316M.1 This was my first crack at configuring VXLAN i used a combination of vEOS and IOS because that is closest to what I run in my production environment. The actual vxlan configuration is very easy its more about making sure the underlying connectivity is in place. You can build the same lab in GNS3 using the CSR router and EIGRP which should be simpler (I had some issues with route summarization). The most important thing to confirm before starting on the vxlan configuration is that you have full reachability between all the loopbacks. Anyway it worked for me next step is doing this with EVPN. ################# ## SPINE-1 ## ################# conf t ## GENERAL ## hostname SPINE-1 ip multicast-routing ## INTERFACES ## int e0/1 ip addr int e0/2 ip add...
Showing posts from January, 2017